In today’s world, the rise of creativity is undeniable. From online platforms to DIY projects, opportunities to express your unique talents are everywhere. Yet, with this surge of creativity often comes a sneaky, joy-stealing enemy—comparison. Scrolling through perfectly curated feeds or seeing someone else excel in your niche can leave you questioning whether there’s even space for your voice.
Here’s the truth: You don’t need someone else’s permission to shine. If there’s no seat for you at the table, it’s time to create your own.
Today Tip is to "Start Now"
Perfection is often the greatest obstacle to progress. Many of us wait for the "perfect moment," the "perfect plan," or the "perfect product" before we begin. But perfection is an illusion. Those you admire most didn’t start where they are now—they grew into it. By waiting, you risk robbing the world of your gift.
Your first step may feel small or messy, but it’s still a step forward. And every imperfect attempt teaches you something new and pushes you closer to your vision. AS you begin to start honing on your craft you begin to believe in your own abilities. Your confidence increases which allows you to take on bigger risks. Meaning you begin to see that you are worth the investment. By inputting more time, energy and resources into what it is that you are doing, you are giving your chances to birth our something bigger than what you could have imagined.
Make the sacrifice
Nothing gained can come without sacrifice. You are going to have to get serious about yourself while getting over the limiting beliefs that you may have. You're going to need to trust the process even when you don't see the fruit coming from it. Most of all your going to need to trust that if Giod gave you this idea it's going to work out. It's going to require you to get up and do it.
For some people, that could mean starting without all the resources that you would like to have. I understand. When podcasting first came to me, I gave God every excuse in the book not to try. Whether it was because I didn't know what to say, I didn't wnat to hear my own voice or the fact that I didn't have a mic. All of that was delaying my process. Because once God placed it in my heart, it didn't leave. I could see it popping up everywhere around me and I knew that he was confirming what He wanted me to do.
So I invested in me and bought a mic. I took a course about podcasting and how to start and from there I soared. Now my meaning of soaring is that I got up at 3am and I began to produce shows in the hallway of my home with traffic and sirens blaring in my background. This was the best part. None of the distractions of what I could hear on the outside were found on my recordings. I had to learn to remain focus despite the noise around me.
That's a word for somebody. As you begin to move your going to have distractions that will come up against you and you're going to have to put on some ear plugs and push forward trusting that He has you in the process. Life may come up, things may not go the way you anticipated them to go. It's okay because it is building up your character. You're learning to endure. You have to know that you won't fail because God hasn't called you to fail.
Listen you may even need to change your perspective on what failure really is to be real. Because it saw it as a an opportunity to weed out the things not to do so you can be on the oath of what you should do. Maybe going through the hurdles won't feel as bad. Why? Because you understand that the failed attempts were apart of the navigation. They were helping you to understand the process better so when you move on to the next phase of the process you won't get caught up in the same cycle. Why? Because you have a better understanding on how to move this time.
Coaching Services:
For those of you are ready to commit to the process and you are looking for help along the way to navigate through some of those challenges. I invite you to join our coaching program. More services will be opening up so be on the look out. If you are ready to start today, then book with us using this link: