As we start off the new year, I wnat you to think about how you are choosing to show up to serve others. Whether at church, in your community, in school etc. Take some time to reflect on the ways in which you are able to give back.
I remember watching the news a week or so ago regarding the wild fires in CA. (Praying for those impacted)
I remember that a man who has a restaurant was being interviewed. Although they were spot lighting him and his efforts, he went out of his way to mention all of the other people who were doing the same. He mentioned that chefs were set up in the middle of no where simply offering meals to those who needed them etc. Although, she spun the question back to him, the gratitude on his face wasn't missed. He was grateful to offer what he could and to see how the community was doing the same thing.
I know the news typically doesn't show all the beauty in the hearts of kind souls, but I'm glad that I had to a chance to witness one encounter this month. That being said, your service to others impacts them whether your feeding 5, 10, or 5000 people. It all helps in the capacity you choose to do it in.
Don't think that the little idea you have to help other people either in business, ministry or with a non profit is too small to create an impact. That idea in your head or in your journal has the ability to impact that that you never would have imagined. I'm sure when they opened their businesses that they didn't expect to be helping people in this manner and yet because of the service they offer they were able to do so.
If there is a passion project you have or a desire to help others, send us an email at You never know who you can connect to.