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Rediscovering a New Version of Me After Motherhood

Hey there, I’m a mom of three amazing kids, and let’s be real—motherhood is a beautiful, chaotic ride where you sometimes forget who you are! From folding endless amounts of laundry, to snack request in the checkout line to stepping on cars and small objects. But it's an incredible journey where not only do you discover more about your kids, but you learn more about yourself and who you are in the process.

The first few years I was hyper focused on my kids and their journey because they were all little and I didn't want to miss a beat. I wanted to show them the world beyond the walls of their city and state. Although, our experiences were enjoyable, I couldn't help but wonder sometimes if there would be more that I would eventually be able to do.

Several years later, i would find out that the answer to that daunting question would be yes. Yes, I was able to make more out of life with what I had and see that my experiences were actually embedded in the gifts that I had. I was able to comb through life understanding that certain challenges were there to develop me into a better woman and an even better mother. I had no idea how wrapped up I was in being a girlfriend and mom that I stopped believing that I could do more. I didn't see the day that believing in me had slipped away, but God had a comeback story for me in mind and the pandemic was the right time to show me.

You see life is going to be filled with trials and challenging moments. It's what we do during those times that help to refine our character. In my case it did a few things. It helped me to uncover some hard truths about myself such as: I was dimming my own light, I had been limiting myself due to doubt, I didn't see myself as worthy of having more, I lacked confidence in what I could accomplish.

So what happened?

  • God reintroduced me to Him and myself. I started to develop an actual relationship with God.

  • I started a hobby which was journaling. That turned into writing poetry and books.

  • I joined communities of women who were moms, writers, and those who simply just needed to be encouraged.

I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel that I had been walking in. The confusion of what could actually be done with my life lifted and I embraced the journey of changing habits and walking by faith. I understood that if I wanted to have a better life it was going to have to start with me and changes that I made within myself.

Trust me, I had to be corrected in this too. because initially I was focused on what others were doing to me and how that made me react the way I did. But your girl here, got checked by God on that. His focus was on me and what I was doing. He needed me to see what He was doing within me and that other pieces would begin to fall into place. That is exactly what happened.

I got to witness that I could be a mom and still live a life full of transformation by renewing my mind in Christ and walking out this journey with Him. That I was able to live a purpose filled life by simply talking about my own experiences and watching how others related back to me. All I had to do was be myself and trust that the process I was in was working itself out for my good. (Romans 8:28)

If you are ready to Redefine your life and change your mindset to align to better habits I am inviting you to join our 30 Day Redefine HER Transformation Program that starts in 3 days. It will be January 16th-February6th with a bonus session on February 8th. each week we will meet for 90 mins to explore uncovering limiting mindsets, changing habits, creating S.M.A.R.T Goals and developing a sold routine. Register today:

Here are 5 Tips to Take With You On Your Journey

  1. Carve Out "Me-Time": Schedule moments for yourself, even if it's just a few minutes each day to recharge.

  2. Pursue a Passion Project: Reconnect with hobbies or interests you had before motherhood. Whether it's painting, writing, or another creative outlet, make time for it.

  3. Set Boundaries: Learn to say "No" when necessary, protecting your time and energy for self-care and personal growth is a must!

  4. Seek Support: Join a community of like-minded women who are also rediscovering themselves post-motherhood. There are plenty on Facebook.

  5. Embrace Your Growth: Understand that you’re not losing yourself, you’re evolving. Celebrate the new version of you that motherhood has helped shape. (This was a learning curve for me)


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Ignite UR Glow

Jessica has led the foundation of Ignite UR Glow where entrepreneurs and individuals are taught, supported and guided to be who they were called to be.

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