You are important to the kingdom. Your words matter. The ways in which you wield your sword is important. The prayers that come out of your mouth are powerful. The gifts and talents that lie within are needed. It’s time for you to see it and get out of your head. Stop overthinking and drinking your problems away. Stop trying to solve all your problems in your own way. Begin to kneel and surrender. Leave all those worries down at the altar.
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you 1 Peter 5:70
Repent of your sins and allow God back in.
Make some room so He can enter
and be the one in the center.
No more idol worship of sex, money and greed.
No longer thinking of vulgar thoughts
or focusing on the regrets of your past history
Stop running away.
Your current situation is only temporary.
Who He is calling you to be
will leave you crowned in His Glory.
There is victory.
He is creating for you
a brand-new story.
One that is filled up for your legacy
for generations to come.
Can’t you see?
Open your eyes,
remove the blinders and the scales,
Forget about the past or the time you spent in jail.
God is doing a new thing.
Can’t you perceive it?
Your talents, gifts and creativity
are ringing like a bell on the inside.
Waiting for you to excel in the craftsmanship
That He is bringing into your hands.
Buildings, architecture and blueprints
all stored up treasures with your name on it
Do you believe?
If not, ask God to help your unbelief.
So, your creativity can continue to flow and grow
as you grow in the Lord.
Coming up this week:
The April 2024 issue of the Redefine HER Magazine is getting ready to launch. Get on our email list so you can stay informed on what's coming out next.
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