1 John 2:15
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
This world that we live in is wicked and has many wicked agendas. Some of those agendas include keeping you stuck in a cycle of poverty that you were never supposed to be in. Think about the structures in our government, in housing, in food, etc. Why do the people value so much of what they are fed from them, rather than the word of the Lord? The bible is a book of instructions that gives you the fuel that you need to live out this life. Yet, people aren’t running to it. Then they wonder why their lives aren’t as fruitful as they would like it to be.
Now, I can’t put all that weight on the structures because the people have a choice. The people can choose to follow what the Lord is saying to them, or they can choose to fall in line with what they are presented with. In order to know the difference you need to have a relationship with God first. Otherwise, how can you hear the instructions if you don’t know what He sounds like. That’s a conversation for another blog post.
Journal Prompts
For now, I want you to chew on this. Do you honestly believe that God wants you to work tirelessly and not be able to make ends meet? Do you think that God placed you in this world just be passing through daily, but never feeling fulfilled? What do you think He is doing in your life?
Your Obedience Matters
As a believer in Christ, you have to know that this world is temporary. It is only a stop on the way to your destination. While you are here, you are to live your lives in a way that glorifies God. When you gave your life to Christ, you committed it to the Lord. Which means that every system that did not reflect God, you were coming out of and would begin living a more holy and blameless life.
That means leaving some people, places and things behind that no longer served you. Maybe that’s a past relationship, an old job, bad habits. Or maybe it was fornication, drinking, smoking, lying, etc. Whatever the case is for you. It’s time to let all of that go. Please do what the Lord is asking of you.
Please don’t think that repentance and surrounding is not part of this equation because it is. Everyone should be repenting and seeking God for instructions. Please take this into prayer and allow the Lord to show you what He is speaking to you. Â
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